International Piano Competition
10th Edition of the Clamo Music International Piano Competition 2025
At Clamo Music, we are thrilled and proud to present the tenth edition of the Clamo Music International Piano Competition Region of Murcia 2025, an edition loaded with symbolism due to the effort applied for 10 years by all the people involved in the competition, from the management to participants, jury, sponsors, and professionals who, […]
IX Edition of the International Piano Competition Clamo Music Region of Murcia 2023
At Clamo Music we are very proud to present the ninth edition of the Clamo Music Region of Murcia International Piano Competition 2023. The international piano competition that brings together the best promises and piano performers on the international scene and that, in this IX edition, It is already consolidated as one of the most […]
VIII Clamo Music International Piano Competition City of Murcia 2022
At Clamo Music we are very happy to present, another year, the VIII International Piano Competition Clamo Music Ciudad de Murcia 2022. A competition that brings together the best piano promises on the international scene, and that is already consolidated as one of the most outstanding piano competitions nationally and internationally. The VIII Clamo Music […]
VII Clamo Music International Piano Competition 2021
One more year, although in different circumstances due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, Clamo Music brings together the best piano promises in the world in one of the most outstanding piano competitions on the national and international music scene. The VII International Clamo Music Piano Competition will be held on September 24, 25 and 26, […]
The Piano Concert of the Winners of the International Piano Competition Clamo Music 2018
Piano concert of the winners of the Clamo Music international piano competition 2018. Don’t miss next December 7th at 7:00 p.m. at the Víctor Villegas Auditorium in Murcia, the piano concert of the winners of the IV edition of the International Clamo Music Piano Competition 2018. A classic concert at December in Murcia, near Christmas, […]
Concert of Winners Clamo Music Piano Competition
Concert of Winners Clamo Music Piano Competition On Saturday, December 8, 2018, the traditional concert of winners of the Clamo Music piano competition will take place at 7:00 p.m. Five of the greatest concerts of the hostoria of classical music, with four winners of the Clamo Music International Piano Competition of the III and IV […]
V Clamo Music International Piano Competition 2019
We are very proud to announce the 5th edition of Clamo Music International Piano Competition 2019. Thanks to the magnificent reception, quality of candidates, jury and support of the City of Murcia, the Clamo Music International Piano Competition is becoming increasingly relevant internationally , confirming itself as one of the reference competitions for its great […]
IV Edición del Concurso Internacional de Piano Clamo Music
ABIERTO EL PLAZO DE INSCRIPCIÓN PARA EL CONCURSO INTERNACIONAL DE PIANO CLAMO MUSIC Clamo Music tiene el placer de abrir el plazo de recepción de solicitudes para el IV Concurso Internacional de Piano Clamo Music, que se celebrará el próximo 11, 12 y 13 de mayo de 2018 en Murcia. Esta edición del concurso contará […]
III Edición del Concurso Internacional de Piano Clamo Music
Clamo Music tiene el placer de anunciar la próxima edición del Concurso Internacional de Piano Clamo Music. Gracias al gran apoyo por parte de instituciones, empresas colaboradoras y la gran acogida de los asistentes amantes de la música en Murcia, Clamo Music anuncia la fecha del III Concurso Internacional de Piano Clamo Music para el 5, […]
2ª Edición del Concurso Internacional de Piano Clamo Music
La escuela CLAMO Music, en colaboración con la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia (Consejería de Educación y Cultura), el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Murcia (Concejalía de Cultura), El Conservatorio Superior de Música de Murcia y gracias al apoyo de diferentes sponsors, organiza los días 29, 30 de Abril y 1 de […]